How to Maintain Your Commercial Refrigeration System

A commercial refrigerator system is a crucial part of any business, whether it's in a restaurant, supermarket, or convenience store. Not only does it keep food and beverages at the right temperature, but it also helps ensure that all products are safe for consumers. In order to keep your refrigeration system running smoothly and efficiently, you must take proper care of it. Here are some tips on how to look after your commercial refrigeration system so that it can last for years to come.

Regular Cleaning and Maintenance

First and foremost, regular cleaning and maintenance are essential for your commercial refrigeration system. This includes cleaning the condenser coils and evaporator fan blades, as recommended by the manufacturer, with a vacuum cleaner or compressed air. Make sure to check the seals on all doors as well, as they should be tight in order to maintain cold temperatures inside the unit. Also, check the gaskets around each door to make sure they are not cracked or damaged in any way. If they are, you should replace them immediately.

Regular Temperature Checks

It is important to check the temperature of your refrigeration system as well. Most systems have built-in thermometers so you can easily monitor their internal temperatures without having to open the door frequently during operations. You must keep an eye on these readings to ensure that food is kept at a safe storage temperature and appropriate for the type of food in question. If temperatures fall outside of this range, you may need professional service from a qualified technician in order to diagnose and repair any potential issues with your system.

Checking Refrigerant Levels

Your commercial refrigeration system relies on a specific type of coolant known as "refrigerant" in order to function properly. Over time, this coolant can leak out due to normal wear and tear. If there isn't enough refrigerant in your system, it won't be able to maintain optimal temperatures inside the unit. Because of this, it's important that you check your coolant levels periodically so that you can top off or replace any lost fluid if necessary.

What to Remember

Keeping up with regular maintenance on your commercial refrigeration system can help ensure its longevity while also optimising its performance over time. And as this system is so important for your business operation, you should only entrust this work to qualified technicians. So, if you suspect an issue with your commercial fridge, get in touch with commercial refrigeration contractors today.
