Three Simple Steps for Maintaining your Air Conditioner Unit

During the summer months, your air conditioner is running overtime and all that stress can lead to problems for your unit. If you suspect that your air conditioner is not operating optimally, try running through the following steps to ensure that you are not placing unnecessary stress on your system.

Check and Replace Your Filter

Within your home, you will find a filter leading to the air conditioning duct. Remove and inspect the filter for dirt or any other blockages. If the filter is old and worn, replace it with a new filter to ensure the best operating conditions for your unit. Make a habit of checking the filter every few months: a quick clean for your filter and filter slot with damp cloth and a vacuum cleaner can go a long way to improving your home cooling.

Clean the Air Condenser Before handling the air condenser unit, switch off the power at the source. Proper air circulation is essential for the functioning of your unit, so ensure that there are no leaves, dirt or other debris blocking the vents around the unit itself. Ideally, invest in a cover for your unit to keep it protected when it is not in use. Remove the exterior cover to check the metal fins inside the condenser. The fins are a brush-like configuration of metal: very fine and easily bent. Using the brush attachment on your vacuum cleaner, gently sweep over the entirety of the fins. If a large number of the fins are bent, they may be straightened again with an air conditioner fin tool, which are readily available at most large hardware stores. If the unit looks especially worn, it may be time to contact a local professional to assess your system.

Level the Condenser

Finally, using a spirit level, check the level of the condenser. If necessary, adjust and correct the level of the unit by positioning hard, non-porous shims at the base. Inexpensive plastic shims are the ideal choice for the job due to their weather resistance and stability. Leveling your condenser unit will ensure that the fan operates at its maximum efficiency, so be sure to check this often overlooked detail.

In addition to the superior cooling provided by a well-maintained unit, the increased efficiency will be reflected in savings on your energy bills; however, if you are still experiencing problems after carrying out these steps, be sure to contact your local HVAC professional. Good luck, and stay cool!
