What you Should Know about an Evaporative Ducted System for Your DIY Shop

If you are into DIY projects, construction or otherwise, then you probably have a work shed or other similar space. These spaces can be a breeding ground for allergens, particles that cause throat irritation, and moisture. One way that you can combat all of these issues is by using an evaporative ducted system in the space. Here are some things you should know about this type of system before buying.

Moisture Reduction

One of the first things you need to know about using an evaporative ducted system is the assistance it can give with moisture reduction in the DIY shop. The evaporative ducted system uses the moisture in the air, converts it, cools it, and uses it to cool the room. This helps keep the moisture in the room down to a minimum since it is constantly being reused by the cooling unit. By doing this, you are not only helping to clean the air in the room, you are also reducing the chances of mould and other issues building up on your untreated and unsealed projects that could be damaged otherwise.

Fresher Air

Having fresh air in your DIY shop is vital, especially when you consider the large amount of various debris in the room. For example, even with a ventilated area you will still have sawdust or other dust particles left from various DIY projects. You may also have a large amount of particles from spray paints and other items as well. These can be recycled and filtered back into your air if you are using a traditional air conditioner system.

An evaporative ducted system does not recycle the air. It brings in the moisture in the room, cleanses it, cools it, and uses it to create fresher air in the area. This reduces toxins and debris from re-entering the air causing breathing issues and respiratory problems.

Reduced Budgeting Issues

A concern you may have with an HVAC unit in a DIY shop, especially if your DIY projects are for personal enjoyment and not for an income, may be the budget resources used for the HVAC system. If you want to reduce costs for installation, as well as maintenance costs over time, then an evaporative ducted system may be ideal. They pull less energy than traditional HVAC units. They also do not have costly filters that other HVAC systems may have, that will need to be replaced often.

By keeping these key points in mind, you can best determine if an evaporative ducted system is the best idea for your needs. If you are ready to move forward with a purchase, contact your local HVAC professional for pricing and details.
